

Entries for 2023

Embers Days 101

Posted on January 12, 2023 in: General News

Source What are the Ember Days? The Ember Days are special days for prayer and fasting during the liturgical year. They correspond to the four seasons, and they focus our attention especially on the blessings of nature. On the Ember Days, we give thanks for blessings we’ve received, b...

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Source Last year, I announced my plan as your shepherd to focus on the seven sacraments of our faith for the coming seven years. For the 2022 liturgical year, our diocesan focus was on the Eucharist and the call to deepen our faith in Jesus especially as he is with us in his real presence in the ...

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Source By: JOSEPH HEALY | DECEMBER 27, 2022 There is an age-old question of debate within Christianity: “If mankind hadn’t sinned, would Christ have become man?” For St. Maximus the Confessor, this question is a resounding yes. In fact, Maximus posits that the purpose of t...

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Source Holy Innocents, first small martyrs, pray for us and for unborn children. I was nine years old, and I was carrying a coffin. Not just any coffin. This one held the tiny bodies of hundreds of aborted infants rescued from a dumpster, and I was among several children who were participat...

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Mother of God

Posted on January 03, 2023 in: General News

Source Author: Father William Saunders I was visiting an inner-city Church one day and in the vestibule some graffiti was written on the wall which said, "Catholics, God has no mother," obviously referring to Mary's title as "Mother of God." How does one respond to such a...

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Source Pope John Paul II General Audience, November 27, 1996 1. Contemplation of the mystery of the Saviour's birth has led Christian people not only to invoke the Blessed Virgin as the Mother of Jesus, but also to recognize her as Mother of God. This truth was already confirmed and per...

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God Became a Baby

Posted on January 03, 2023 in: General News

Source There is just something about a baby. If a baby is introduced into a crowded room, everyone will want to see him. Conversations will stop, smiles will spread across people’s faces, arms will reach out to hold the child. Even the crustiest and most curmudgeonly denizen of the room wil...

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