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Welcome to Holy Name Radio

Holy Name Radio KJXP-LP 100.9FM is an apostolate of the St Joseph Catholic Men’s Fellowship in Nacogdoches, TX – The Oldest Town in Texas.  Our men’s group began as a weekly bible study over 10 years ago.  We still meet faithfully on Wednesday mornings at 6:30 AM. Through our studies and conversations we began asking ourselves what we could do in our communities, families and workplaces to further the truth that is Jesus Christ as proclaimed by the Catholic Church.  In 2014 we began the journey, with the help of EWTN and the Catholic Radio Association to apply for and build a low power FM radio station. Holy Name Radio went on the air in the summer of 2016.  Holy Name Radio is a listener supported 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that employs broadcast radio, mobile technology, the internet and social platforms to offer news, analysis, teaching, devotions and music to demonstrate the Good News that Jesus is Lord over all areas of life.  Through these means we show that the teaching of Christ, through His Church, offers an encouraging view of the world, a deep sense of spirituality, a firm family life, enhanced human relationships, creative use of reason and scholarship and the creation of a culture of life and love.

Explore our website and tune in to our radio station to experience the range and breadth of knowledge available to our listeners.  Enjoy and Deo Gratias!

Broadcast Schedule

6am-7am: The Son Rise Morning Show (Live)
7am-8am: Morning Glory (Live)
8am-9am: Daily Mass from EWTN Chapel (Live)
9am-10am: Catholic Connection with Teresa Tomeo (Live)
10am-11am: More 2 Life
11am-12pm: Women of Grace with Johnnette Benkovic (Live)
12pm-1pm: Take 2 with Jerry & Debbie (Live)
1pm-2pm: The Doctor Is In (Live)
2pm-3pm: Called to Communion with Dr. David Anders (Live)
3pm-4pm: EWTN Open Line (Live)
4pm-6pm: Kresta in the Afternoon (Live)

Click here for the full Schedule


St. Blaise

Posted on January 30, 2025 in: General News

St. Blaise
Source St. Blaise (born, Sebastia, Cappadocia, Asia Minor [now Sivas, Turkey]—died c. 316, Sebastia?; Western feast day, February 3; Eastern feast day, February 11) was an early Christian bishop and martyr, one of the most popular medieval saints. He is venerated as the patron saint of sufferers from throat diseases and of wool combers and as one of the Fourteen Holy Helpers. According to tradition, Blaise was of noble birth and, after being educated in the Christian faith, was made bishop of Sebastia. Although Christianity had been adopted about 300 ce as the s...

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February Is the Month Dedicated to the Holy Family
Source Honoring the Holy Family beginning during its traditional month is a major way to restore the family to its truly God-given place. Joseph Pronechen Blogs February 7, 2020 We easily remember that October is the month dedicated to the Holy Rosary, May the month dedicated to our Blessed Mother, June to the Sacred Heart. Monthly dedications don’t stop there. But for a number of recent years we have let slip such months as February. Who or what is February dedicated to, you ask? The answer comes at the beginning, on Feb. 2, when we see the Holy Family...

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Saint Agatha

Posted on January 30, 2025 in: General News

Saint Agatha
Source February 5: Saint Agatha, Virgin and Martyr—Memorial (Optional Memorial if a Lenten weekday) c. 231–c. 251 Patron Saint of breast cancer patients, martyrs, rape victims, bellfounders, and bakers Invoked against earthquakes, natural disasters, and fires Pre-Congregation canonization, later confirmed by Pope Saint Gregory the Great, 7th century Liturgical Color: Red (Purple if Lenten Weekday) O Lord who made and created me, and have kept me from my infancy, … who took from me the love of the world, who have kept my body from...

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